Sabtu, Juli 27, 2024

12 Partai Deklarasi Dukung...

LHOKSEUMAWE – Sebanyak 12 partai politik nonparlemen di Kota Lhokseumawe tergabung dalam Koalisi...

Keluarga Pertanyakan Perkembangan Kasus...

ACEH UTARA - Nurleli, anak kandung almarhumah Tihawa, warga Gampong Baroh Kuta Bate,...

Di Pidie Dua Penzina...

SIGLI - Setelah sempat "hilang" cambuk bagi pelanggar syariat Islam di Pidie saat...

Pj Gubernur Bustami Serahkan...

ACEH UTARA - Penjabat Gubernur Aceh, Bustami Hamzah, didampingi Penjabat Bupati Aceh Utara,...

[ENGLISH] The New Indonesian Leaders, the Partai Aceh, Mualem, and the Sumatran People

The New Indonesian Leaders, the Partai Aceh, Mualem, and the Sumatran People By: Thayeb Loh Angen The Poet from Sumatra On Wednesday, 14 February 2024, Indonesian Republic people make big political event, historic, the general election for president and parliament.The General Election Committee (KPU) publishing their temporary count, on the day. The 02 number candidate, Prabowo-Gibran, is the winner. The 01 number candidate, Anies-Muhaimin, and the 03 number candidate, Ganjar-Mahfud, are the losses.In The Sumatra Island--there are ten province ind Sumatra-- there are two province that 01 number candidate is the...

[ENGLISH] The New...

The New Indonesian Leaders, the Partai Aceh, Mualem, and the Sumatran People By: Thayeb Loh Angen The Poet from Sumatra On Wednesday, 14 February 2024, Indonesian...