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[ENGLISH] The New Indonesian Leaders, the Partai Aceh, Mualem, and the Sumatran People

[ENGLISH] The New Indonesian Leaders, the Partai Aceh, Mualem, and the Sumatran People

By: Thayeb Loh Angen
The Poet from Sumatra

On Wednesday, 14 February 2024, Indonesian Republic people make big political event, historic, the general election for president and parliament.

The General Election Committee (KPU) publishing their temporary count, on the day. The 02 number candidate, Prabowo-Gibran, is the winner. The 01 number candidate, Anies-Muhaimin, and the 03 number candidate, Ganjar-Mahfud, are the losses.

In The Sumatra Island–there are ten province ind Sumatra– there are two province that 01 number candidate is the winner almost 100%, it is Aceh and West Sumatra Province. Both of the two province is can be lies by some news that do not know the source, “That 01 number candidate is Islamic, agent of the change,” the issue said.

But, actually, there is not Islamic politician in Indonesia. Indonesian Republic is one of several big secular county, although almost the people is muslim.

The Sumatra Island is a sixth biggest island in the world, and there are about sixty million people that spread in ten province.

On of the ten province is Aceh. Aceh is in west end Sumatra territorial, or west end Indonesian territorial. In Aceh, the local political party, Partai Aceh (Aceh Party), get the most voice, the winner, on province parliament election,at the general election.

Partai Aceh is founded by ASNLF (Acheh Sumatra national Liberation Front) alias GAM (Aceh Independence Movement) combatant after Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between GAM and Indonesian Republic, in Helsinki, Finland, at August 15, 2005.

That is make the Partai Aceh can nominate a candidate for Aceh Governor on 2024, by alone, not necessary joint with else party. The Partai Aceh candidate for Aceh Governor is Mr Muzakir Manaf, familiarly known Mualem. He is the general director of Partai Aceh and the general director of the KPA (Aceh Transition Committee: all members of the organizations is GAM combatant).

Muzakir Manaf is the biggest politician figure in Aceh that lead the Prabowo-Gibran team. He talked that he support Prabowo to Indonesian president before Prabowo Subianto publish that he want to following the general election again.

So, by winning the president that his support in Indonesia, Muzakir Manaf’s and the Partai Aceh’s step to lead the Aceh–with governor and parliament, it gets easier, insha Allah.

In the Sumatra, special in Aceh, the political voters in general election is not realistic yet. They are not yet to see the reality. Is the political to be a winner or just to make their feel is good.

That feel is use by voters in the general election. In fact, sometimes, some of GAM combatant does not comply what Mualem command to them, in order to they vote the Prabowo-Gibran.

That is funny in Aceh characteristic. How GAM combatant to save Mualem in all, but they just does he command about Aceh, not about else.

Banda Aceh, Wednesday, February 21, 2024 / Shaban 11, 1445h.[]

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